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Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Star Flower Pattern

This quilt pattern is called "Star Flower." It's from square in a square.
I just love the rich colors. The Navy blue is the only actual fabric from square in a square.
I want to say it was "memories of the civil war II"
I chose my own to go with it but it looks very similar to hers.
Here is me and my friends with Jodi Barrows at the Phoenix quilt show Jan. 2018.
That was super fun!
I wish the pic wasn't so blurry,....
we're also working on her "Grizzly Mountain" quilt. I adore it!
So coming soon.....
The flower were quite tricky, so im including some photos of how I did it just for fun.
(I did not use the square in a square method.
I did my own measurements and did an alternate method.
I know.... shocking!)
 I sewed 4 triangles onto the sides of the gold colored square. first green then cream.

so they looked like this.
then, you cut them into four as you see in the upper right corner.
then you make some flying geese blocks. also tricky because you have you make half of them opposite each other. but it works out very easily. (I guess I'm not showing the full flying geese method here. oh well)
Here, you can see the two flying geese blocks on the sides and the one that was cut into four pieces. tricky eh?
here is the finished quilt block...with the flowers in the corners.
(The green isn't actually as bright as it appears to be here.)

I found a nice dark red for the back and quilted it pretty...:o)

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